Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kickin' it

I am very excited to report that I have been feeling definite movement from the babe lately! The first day I knew without a doubt that I was feeling baby was last Monday. That put me at almost 18 weeks, which is just about the time most women report feeling movement in a first pregnancy. So far it seems like this little one likes to be very average - which the doctor tells us is exactly where you want it to be :)

Since then I've been feeling little flutters here and there, and once in awhile something stronger that must be a good kick. I figure this kid probably has long legs, so I should probably get used to the kicking!

Looking for a little clip-art to go along with this post, I found this cute/scary (you decide) Baby Kick Maternity T-shirt. Very ninja-like.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Weekends have been dedicated to our hobbies lately. We are both so busy during the week - with work, volleyball games and other commitments - that it is a real treat to relax a bit and do the things we really want to do when the weekend rolls around. Steve brewed a few batches of beer in the last few weekends, including one that will age for several months. It's a low alcohol porter-style beer that he's dubbing 'Big Baby Porter' - as it will be done cooking just about the same time as the baby. Which, of course, I'm pretty happy about since that means I'll be able to partake :)
Much of my free weekend time has been spent getting back into knitting after a summer sabbatical. I've been especially fond of knitting hats, because their round, compact shape makes for such a nice and neat little project. And because everyone likes a good hat, right? My first project was a hat for Steve. I had to make sure I did this one first before I get enveloped in the wonderful world of baby knits. (More on that later, to be sure). It's called a Watchcap and has been quite nice for these brisk fall days we've been having lately. I smile every time I see him wear it :)
Hope you all are finding little bits of time to pursue your hobbies as the weather gets cooler!