We are officially 4 weeks away from d-date today! Time is flying. Things have been going well, we are feeling like we've pretty much got everything set for the arrival of this munchkin. We talked over our birth plan with our doctor at the last visit and it is so great to know that all of us are on the same page. Barring any serious medical issues, we want to do this thing as naturally as possible. Because we are seeing family practice doctors instead of an OB, I feel like we are getting an experience closer to a midwife. We're alternating between 2 doctors, with a 95% chance of having one or the other at delivery and they are both totally on board with the way we want this birth to go. Yay!
A minor blip in this otherwise healthy pregnancy is that my blood pressure has been a bit elevated when I see the doc. It's been high-ish since early in pregnancy and I suspect has more to do with being at the
doctor's office than anything malicious. But, because high blood pressure can be associated with some really dangerous conditions for mom and baby, the docs are having me do a few extra tests to make sure that our babe is growing and responding well. I had an ultrasound done yesterday to estimate baby's weight and how much amniotic fluid it's floating around in. We haven't received the final report, but baby was measuring 36 weeks + 2 or 3 days, so if anything it's a little ahead on the growth curve - yay! And as a bonus, we got another sneak peek of our little chickie with a smile on its face :)

I'll keep you updated on any more developments in the BP department, but at this point it looks like everything is a-ok.